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BeWater News

BeWater project presented at EcoHydrology' 2015

Wednesday, 12 August 2015 Posted in Events, BeWater News, Vipava Society, Slovenia

EcohydrologyEcoHydrology' 2015. Measuring, Modeling and Managing of the natural processes related to water flows, Social values of the linked ecosystem services


21 to 23 September 2015

Lyon, France

Enhancing communications with stakeholders in Zaghouan

Wednesday, 12 August 2015 Posted in BeWater News, News

Enhancing communications with target audiences in workshop settings is a key priority in BeWater. Martin Watson, from SW Visions and part of the BeWater Project partner PROSPEX facilitation team, discusses the issue in this video, taken at the Rmel River Basin workshop, Tunisia, where participants discussed Water Management Options (WMO).

BeWater uses an iterative process of mutual learning, participatory techniques and a bottom-up approach to ensure that stakeholders play an active role in determining appropriate strategies for management of river basins.


BeWater News, Edition 3, July 2015

Friday, 17 July 2015 Posted in BeWater News, News, Newsletter

BeWater News Edition3 tbn300The third edition of BeWater News focusses on the Water Management Options workshops, which were held in the four Case Study River Basins between May and July 2015.

Also included is a feature on the stakeholder identification and participatory processes, as well as a video on enhancing communication with stakeholders, radio interviews and much more.


BeWater News, Edition 3, July 2015



Mediterranean citizens and scientists evaluate actions to manage water in the face of global change

Thursday, 16 July 2015 Posted in BeWater News, News


Citizens have evaluated Water Management Options for local river basins in the four cardinal points of the Mediterranean.

In a second cycle of workshops, part of the EU-funded BeWater Project, participants discussed the first results of an analysis by scientists on the potential outcomes of different Water Management Options, targeting the issues and challenges identified by River Basin stakeholders last year. Options for each Basin were then evaluated based on stakeholder preferences.

Stakeholders and participation

Thursday, 16 July 2015 Posted in BeWater News, News

Dr. Steven LibbrechtStakeholders play a vital role in BeWater and their active participation in the iterative process is key to the project's success. Here Dr. Steven Libbrecht describes the stakeholder identification process for the four Case Study River Basins and the advantages and challenges of the participatory approach employed by the project.



Dr. Libbrecht is a senior consultant in PROSPEX and WP3 Leader in the BeWater Project. He is specialised in corporate development and has wide experience in designing and facilitating participative group processes to assist robust decision-making in multi-stakeholder settings.

BeWater Project and Citizen Science

Thursday, 16 July 2015 Posted in BeWater News, News

BeWater Project and Citizen Science

Aquest article en català

BeWater was represented at the second edition of the Barcelona Citizen Science Day, which took place in Barcelona, Spain on 16 April 2015. The meeting is part of NOVUM (Barcelona Science, Technology and Innovation Festival) organised by the Direction of Creativity and Innovation, Barcelona Culture Institute (Barcelona City Council). Participants included researchers, students, science communicators, civic actors and decision makers as well as citizens interested in citizen science.

Second interaction of the IzVRS and stakeholders in Ajdovščina

Thursday, 09 July 2015 Posted in BeWater News, News

Članek v slovenščini

vipava ws july15

BeWater Project actively involves stakeholders in the Vipava river basin as well as in the other three pilot river basins (Spain, Cyprus, Tunisia). Through participatory processes, interested society is involved into dialogue about water use and water management in the Vipava river basin to design joint plans for adaptation to climate change in their region.

Institute for Water of the Republic of Slovenia together with Prospex from Belgium and EFIMED from Spain organized the second BeWater stakeholder workshop. The workshop took place on 27th May 2015 on the premises of the regional Chamber of Craft and Small Business in Ajdovščina. It was attended by 12 stakeholders from different sectors, united by joint concern for the Vipava river basin. A short introductory welcome by Mr. David Bratož, the Director of Development Agency ROD Ajdovščina, was followed by brief presentation of the stakeholders and presentation of the current status of the BeWater project.

Second BeWater stakeholders' workshop in Tunisia

Thursday, 09 July 2015 Posted in BeWater News, News

هذا المقال باللغة العربية

rmel ws june15

The second BeWater stakeholders’ workshop was held in Yasmine Hammamet (Tunisia) on June 4th 2015, and was attended by 24 stakeholders, four facilitators from Prospex, one representative from EFIMED, one observer from Ecologic and the INRGREF team.

The main objectives of this workshop were to bring the Rmel basin stakeholders together in order to discuss some aspects of the basin (40% are former participants and 60% are new identified partners), to depict results from the first stakeholder workshop (2014), to select used criteria to evaluate the water management options (WMOs), and to discuss and evaluate the WMOs.

Evaluating climate change adaptation options for the Pedieos River Basin

Tuesday, 07 July 2015 Posted in BeWater News, News

αυτό το άρθρο στα ελληνικά

pedieos ws july15 01

Climate change is affecting our environment and our water resources. Research and dialogue are needed to identify how to adapt to longer droughts, higher temperatures and more intense rain storms. A participatory workshop at The Cyprus Institute engaged water managers, agricultural and environmental officials, forest researchers, landscape planners, hydrologists, economists and educators in the discussion.

The participants identified the forest along the slopes of the Troodos, the river and its natural vegetation, and runoff in the urban areas of Nicosia as key concerns for climate change adaptation. George Demetriou from the Water Board of Nicosia highlighted the important role of “water consciousness” for climate change adaptation.

Citizens and scientists propose actions to face global change in Tordera

Tuesday, 30 June 2015 Posted in BeWater News, News

Aquest article en català

tordera ws june15 01

A diverse group of stakeholders took part in a dynamic workshop to evaluate the best options to manage water in the Tordera River Basin in a more sustainable and adaptive way. The 17 participants included researchers, managers, farmers and other citizens who live and work in the Basin.

The meeting took place in Santa Maria de Palautordera on 17 June 2015. Key options identified included adaptive forest management, the implementation of environmental flows and better citizen participation spaces.

Awareness Campaign and FCM workshop held in Zaghouan

Wednesday, 10 June 2015 Posted in BeWater News, News, Rmel Society, Tunisia

In order to engage wider society, BeWater Awareness Campaigns are being held in the four Case Study River Basins. Zaghouan (Tunisia) host the last awareness campaign and FCM workshop, related to the Rmel River Basin, where the following video was produced.


Evaluating Water Management Options in Pedieos

Wednesday, 13 May 2015 Posted in Events, BeWater News, Pedieos Society, Cyprus

Evaluation of Water Management Options through key Stakeholder participation

Wednesday 1 July 2015
Pedieos, Cyprus


The second major round of BeWater Stakeholder Workshops will take place in each of the Case Study River Basins between May and July 2015. Key River Basin Stakeholders will take part in the day-long Workshops in order to contribute to the evaluation of the Water Management Options developed over the last months through the participative process launched last year.

Evaluating Water Management Options in Rmel

Thursday, 07 May 2015 Posted in Events, BeWater News, Rmel Society, Tunisia

Evaluation of Water Management Options through key Stakeholder participation

Thursday 4 June 2015
Rmel, Tunisia


The second major round of BeWater Stakeholder Workshops will take place in each of the Case Study River Basins between May and July 2015. Key River Basin Stakeholders will take part in the day-long Workshops in order to contribute to the evaluation of the Water Management Options developed over the last months through the participative process launched last year.

Evaluating Water Management Options in Vipava

Thursday, 07 May 2015 Posted in Events, BeWater News, Vipava Society, Slovenia

Evaluation of Water Management Options through key Stakeholder participation

Wednesday 27 May 2015
Vipava, Slovenia


The second major round of BeWater Stakeholder Workshops will take place in each of the Case Study River Basins between May and July 2015. Key River Basin Stakeholders will take part in the day-long Workshops in order to contribute to the evaluation of the Water Management Options developed over the last months through the participative process launched last year. 

Evaluating Water Management Options in La Tordera

Thursday, 07 May 2015 Posted in Tordera Society, Spain , Events, BeWater News

Evaluation of Water Management Options through key Stakeholder participation

Wednesday 17 June 2015
La Tordera, Catalonia, Spain


The second major round of BeWater Stakeholder Workshops will take place in each of the Case Study River Basins between May and July 2015. Key River Basin Stakeholders will take part in the day-long Workshops in order to contribute to the evaluation of the Water Management Options developed over the last months through the participative process launched last year.


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