Participatory Approach
The participatory approach is all about getting to know the stakeholders and developing a relationship with them, endeavouring to understand their perspectives and objectives. Through a range of stakeholder interactions, stakeholders are consulted and engaged in dialogues with the Case Study Leaders, and can thereby actively contribute to the development of adaptive management of water resources. The BeWater stakeholders represent a group of people that are knowledgeable on (aspects of) the river basin and motivated to be engaged in the BeWater project.
Another crucial aspect of the BeWater participatory approach is the relationship between science-driven activities and stakeholder participation. For the results obtained in each river basin to be comparable, the science-driven activities require consistency of approach in the four river basins, and are handled in a joint effort between EFI, ECOLOGIC and the four Case Study Leaders. Similarly, the participatory activities also require consistency of approach across the four river basins, and are handled in a joint effort between Prospex and the four Case Study Leaders. There must be alternation and integration between the two activities, the so-called iterative approach.
Overview of the Participatory Process in BeWater
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