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Rmel Society, Tunisia

جميع أطياف المجتمع المدني في تونس تشارك في الخيارات المعتمدة لحسن التصرف في الموارد المائية في الحوض المائي "رمل" لمواجهة الظروف المناخيّة المستقبليّة

Monday, 21 July 2014 Posted in Rmel Society, Tunisia

This article in English

انعقدت ورشة العمل لجميع المتدخلين في قطاع المياه بالحوض المائي لوادي "رمل" يوم 24 Rmel 3جوان 2014 في ولاية زغوان. وستبقى هذه الورشة الاستثنائية عالقة بالأذهان إذ أنها ساهمت في تكريس قواعد و مبادئ التوجه الديمقراطي لحسن استغلال الموارد المائية في المنطقة.

انعقدت ورشة العمل لجميع المتدخلين في قطاع المياه بالحوض المائي لوادي "رمل" يوم 24 جوان 2014 في ولاية زغوان. وستبقى هذه الورشة الاستثنائية عالقة بالأذهان إذ أنها ساهمت في تكريس قواعد و مبادئ التوجه الديمقراطي لحسن استغلال الموارد المائية في المنطقة.



Stakeholders from the Rmel River Basin Participate in Water Management

Tuesday, 15 July 2014 Posted in News, BeWater News, Rmel Society, Tunisia

Rmel 3هذا المقال باللغة العربية

The Rmel River Basin stakeholder meeting was held on 24 June, 2014 in the governorate of Zaghouan. The timing of the workshop was strategic, coinciding as it did with the emergence of democratic rules within the water resource community in the region.

The National Research Institute for Rural Engineering Water and Forestry (INRGREF) hosted the event which gathered around 30 participants, dealing directly or indirectly with the water. The participants included farmers, water user associations, official representatives, educators, environmental NGO's, members of the tourism and industry sectors and agricultural unions.

Third Stakeholder Workshop in Rmel

Tuesday, 10 June 2014 Posted in Events, News, BeWater News, Rmel Society, Tunisia

Photo5 biggerStakeholders in Rmel River Basin to Address Challenges

24 June 2014
Rmel, Tunisia

The third BeWater stakeholder meeting will take place in Rmel, Tunisia.  The meeting will bring together Consortium partners and key local stakeholders continuing the stakeholder interaction meetings at local level.



BeWater partners prepare for first stakeholder interaction

Friday, 16 May 2014 Posted in Events, Tordera Society, Spain , News, BeWater News, Pedieos Society, Cyprus, Rmel Society, Tunisia

Članek v slovenščini

Brussels 1 250The first BeWater Steering Committee Meeting was held in Brussels on 24 April, attended by 19 project partners and a representative from the European Commission. Reflections on the first 6 months of the project and presentations on the BeWater Approach, Quality Assurance and Evaluation Methodologies led to useful discussions clarifying roles and responsibilities in the project and identifying important next steps.

Presentations and discussions around project communications highlighted the need for local language translations of news, posts and information for public consumption to facilitate dissemination of information and engagement of project stakeholders.

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