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BeWater project presents actions to adapt to global change in Tordera basin

Tuesday, 20 October 2015 Posted in News, BeWater News

Aquest article en català

The international team of BeWater project returns to the Tordera basin to present options for adaptive water management produced jointly by citizens and scientists from 2014 to today.

This Saturday we meet at Can Moragues, Riudarenes between 10.00 and 14.00 for a session open to the basin citizen who are interested in learning and discussing about the proposals resulting from the work done so far in the project.

Citizens and scientists met for the first time in Sant Celoni in May 2014 where they presented scientific results to evaluate current and future impacts of climate change in the basin. Participants shared their perspectives on which are the challenges to be dealt with in the region, what are the goals to which we aspire and suggest proposals to get there. The greatest challenges that have been put on the table are the improvement of water quality, the amount of water available, the health of forest and water ecosystems and the adoption of integrated management strategies.

These ideas have resulted in water management options, through the integration of the first ideas with information collected from the administration, experts and scientists. These management options have been analyzed with various methodologies to understand how they could help to meet the challenges identified with the horizon of 2030. In June 2015 a specific workshop with the actors of the basin was developed in order to evaluate and incorporate their comments in the management options.

This week, Saturday, October 24th, 2015 in Can Moragues, Emys Foundation will host so that we can present and discuss with local actors these first results of the project.

“We obtained 33 water management options in the process carried out so far. The central themes that all players have considered as fundamental have been; the regime for environmental flows and groundwater levels recovery, in addition to this the need to innovate current governance practices to incorporate the principles of adaptation to change global.” Explains Anabel Sanchez BeWater project coordinator from CREAF.

The next phase of work is to complete the River Basin Adaptation Plan for Tordera.

The same process is underway in other basins of the Mediterranean involved in the project: Cyprus, Slovenia and Tunisia. The four river basins cover different environmental and socio-economic settings within the Mediterranean area. Intermediate results obtained indicate that Tordera shares the most important challenges with other case studies of the project.



More information:
• Anabel Sanchez a.sanchez @ /  tel.: +34 93 581 4675 / +34 93 581 1488

Photo credits: Annelies Broekman, CREAF