Local citizens discuss options to manage future water resources in the Vipava river basin
Monday, 26 October 2015 Posted in News, BeWater News
Climate change and other global developments are expected to affect the Vipava river basin. Local citizens are discussing with scientists how to manage water resources in order to adapt to changing future conditions.
Through a series of workshops, scientists from the Institute for Water of the Republic of Slovenia (IzVRS) are discussing water management strategies to deal with global change for the Vipava river basin with local stakeholders. In a first workshop, the participants identified the main challenges for the management of water resources and suggested options to deal with these challenges. In a second workshop, these options were refined and evaluated. On 12 October, an open consultation event was held in Ajdovščina. This event was attended by 16 stakeholders representing public administration, forestry, nature conservation, industry and agriculture.
Participants of the open consultation event were asked to review the 20 options defined in previous workshops and to comment these options based on their knowledge, experience and expertise. The participants worked together in groups and discussed their experience with each option, as well as any barriers (political, social, and economical) that may be of relevance to implement the options. The participants suggested improvements on how to implement the options, as well as the need to combine them.
The water management options that were discussed will form the basis for an adaptation plan for the Vipava river basin. This plan will be elaborated during the next phase in the BeWater project.
Recordings of the event were made by Radio Koper (in Slovenian) and are available below:
More information:
• Dr. Aleksandra Krivograd Klemenčič: aleksandra.krivograd @ izvrs.si
• Dr. Nataša Smolar-Žvanut: natasa.smolar @ izvrs.si
• Manca Magjar: manca.magjar @ izvrs.si
Photo credits: Marija Habinc, IzVRS