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BeWater brought to public attention in Vipava river basin

Tuesday, 28 March 2017 Posted in News, Vipava Society, Slovenia , BeWater News

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BeWater project outcomes were shared with stakeholders and the wider public in Vipava, during a publicity campaign in the river basin from  September 2016 to March 2017.

The mobile exhibition, developed during the course of the project, was hosted in various places around the Vipava river basin to inform the wider public about sustainable water management and increasing social responsibility in the field of water management in the Vipava River Basin. These included exhibitions at Škofijska Gimnazija Vipava, the University of Nova Gorica, the Library of France Bevk, the Youth Centre and hostel Ajdovščina, and the Hotel Perla, Nova Gorica, for the international River Basin Adaptation Conference.


Publicity Campaign event at the Third meeting of the Council for Vipava, Photo: IVzRS

Of particular note is the exhibition at the House of Villagers in Vipavski Križ from 20 January to 16 February 2017, which was attended by over 500 members of the public.

The annual event 27th Mišič water days was organised on the 7 December in Maribor, Slovenia. The event is aimed at water management professionals, spatial planners, researchers, the public and administrative level employees dealing with water management and protection. At the meeting, the Institute for Water of the Republic of Slovenia presented BeWater approach and results in “Active cooperation between science and society in the development of the Vipava River Basin Adaptation Plan”, which was selected for publication in part III: Current projects of water management.

A policy forum presenting the BeWater process, water management options included in the Vipava River Basin Adaptation Plan and priorities among them was held during the third meeting of the Council for Vipava on 24 January 2017 at Miren. In addition to the members of Council, the policy forum was attended by representatives of the Ministry of Environment and Spatial Planning, Slovenian Water Agency and representatives of development agencies from Vipava river basin. In the discussion, the audience was interested in green measures that are included in the River Basin Adaptation Plan. The following options were presented: shelterbelts and restoration of the Vipava River; old meanders and oxbows. It was suggested that the results will be used in the future for new projects in this area.

The publicity campaign marks the end of the BeWater project in Vipava river basin. The project is completed on 31 March 2017 after 42 months.