BeWater Project at Jradou elementary school (Tunisia)
In the frame work of the BeWater activities, an awareness campaign was held at Jradou elementary school (Tunisia) on 16 December 2015.
The event was organised by the National Research Institute for Rural Engineering Water and Forestry (INRGREF). It was attended by all the pupils of the school and representatives from the Regional Commissariat of Education, Zaghouan Municipality, Young Leaders Council Association and Zero Waste Association.
The principle of the school Mr. Adel Miled who was assisted with teachers, have facilitated the communication between children and the BeWater team.
This event aimed to spread the concept of climate change and its effects, and the way to lessen them and tackled the way to preserve the water resources. All these ideas were depicted and represented in an educative and easy way in order to make it simple for young children to understand.
This event started with a short animated film projection about the climate change followed by a debate where children showed a surprising response and reacted positively about the subject and expressed their remarkable understanding of the concept of the climate change.
Afterwards, children commented and expressed themselves based on the BeWater banners that were exposed at the court of the school in very enthusiastic atmosphere.
At the end of this event, children were asked to evaluate their knowledge of the concept of the climate change in drawing and writing sessions.